Cambridge Bail Bonds
Sly Bail Bonds Cambridge office does bail bonds in and around Guernsey, Belmont, Coshocton, Morgan, Muskingum and Tuscarawas Counties.
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Covering Guernsey, Belmont, Harrison, Tuscarawas, Muskingum, Coshocton, Nobel
About Guernsey County Bail Bonds
It is common for people to not know what to expect regarding Guernsey County bail bonds until they or a loved one is arrested. As such, they often ask the same questions about bail, the bonding process, and the associated costs. Here, we attempt to provide general answers to the most asked questions to our Cambridge Bail Bondsman!
How Bail Is Set
Judges are responsible for setting bail. Because many people want to get out of jail immediately, most jails have standard bail schedules that specify bail amounts for common crimes. An arrested person can often get out of jail quickly by paying the amount set forth in the stationhouse bail bond schedule. If there is not a bail bond schedule for their alleged crime a judge will set a bail amount in the arraignment hearing. In deciding whether to release the defendant pending completion of the case, courts primarily consider:
- whether the defendant is a danger to the community
- the defendant’s criminal record
- the defendant’s ties to the community (how long he has lived in the community and whether he has family nearby)
- whether the defendant is employed in the community and for how long, and
- whether the defendant has any history of failing to appear for court.
The following are options that may be available to the court in deciding conditions of release:
- Release on the defendant’s own recognizance. Being released on your own recognizance (“ROR” or “OR”) means you are released on the basis of your promise to report for trial and any other court proceedings in your case. Courts usually release defendants ROR only in minor criminal cases or when the defendant has a minimal record of prior criminal offenses, if any, and a permanent local address and employment.
- Bond or bail. If the judge requires that a defendant post bond or bail, the defendant must post money with the court in order to be released pending completion of the case. The court can require a cash/surety bond or a deposit bond. If the bond is cash/surety, for instance, $10,000 cash – the defendant must post that amount with the court. Once the case is completed, the money is refunded, less any fees the court requires. If the court allows a surety bond, a bondsman or bail bondsman is permitted to post a surety note for the entire bond amount with a contract that the bondsman will pay the balance of the bond if the defendant does not appear for court and cannot be located. The defendant must pay the bondsman a nonrefundable portion of the bond (ten percent) and provide collateral – such as a deed to a home or other piece of real estate – or a co-signor, or both, to guarantee his appearance. If the defendant disappears and the bondsman is required to pay the bond to the court, the bondsman can collect that money from the co-signor or take possession of the collateral.
- Other conditions. In addition to ROR or requiring the defendant to post bail, the court can impose other conditions of release on the defendant, including no contact with witnesses, no use of drugs or alcohol, no association with other defendants, no new arrests, no association with known criminals, no possession of weapons, and no travel outside the county or state. If the defendant violates any of these conditions, the court can rescind the ROR or bond and hold the defendant without bond.
- Supervised release. In addition or as an alternative to setting a bond or other conditions of release, the court can place a defendant in a supervised release program while his case is pending. In some states, this is known as pre-trial supervision and is similar to being on probation while your case is pending. You will be required to report to a probation or other supervising officer and to comply with any conditions the officer sets such as the conditions listed above.
If the defendant cannot pay the bail amount on their own, they can seek help from a Guernsey County Bail bondsman in the form of a Bail Bond. To post a Cambridge Bail Bond, a defendant is required to pay 10% of the bail amount. If the defendant can not pay all 10% Sly Bail Bonds can take as little as 4% down and payments on the balance. If it is a large bond you may have to provide some sort of collateral. Co-signing a Cambridge bail bond means that you sign a promissory note or an indemnity agreement financially obligating themselves to pay the full amount of the bond if the accused person does not appear in court.
Bailed-out suspects commonly must comply with “conditions of release.” If a suspect violates a condition, a Guernsey County Judge may revoke bail and order the suspect re-arrested and returned to jail. Some bail conditions, such as a requirement that a suspect “obey all laws,” are common. Other conditions may reflect the crime for which a suspect was arrested. For example, a condition may order a domestic violence suspect not to contact the alleged victim.
What happens next depends on if the defendant appears in court after being released.
- If the defendant fails to appear in court: The Bail Bond is forfeited and the court requires the remaining 90% of the bail to be paid. The Bail Bondsman will have to pay the court the other 90% to the court.
- If a defendant does appear for court: Upon conclusion of the court case, the Bail Bond is dissolved and the collateral is returned to the person who posted it. The Bail bondsman keeps the 10% cash fee as profit.
Conditions of Bail
Bailed-out suspects commonly must comply with “conditions of release.” If a suspect violates a condition, a judge may revoke bail and order the suspect re-arrested and returned to jail. Some bail conditions, such as a requirement that a suspect “obey all laws,” are common. Other conditions may reflect the crime for which a suspect was arrested. For example, a condition may order a domestic violence suspect not to contact the alleged victim.
Cambridge is the county seat!
801 Wheeling Ave.
Cambridge, Ohio 43725
Courts we do bail bonds in Guernsey Couty:
- Cambridge Municipal Court
- Guernsey County Court of Common Pleas, Domestic Relations Division
- Guernsey County Court of Common Pleas, Juvenile Division
- Guernsey County Court of Common Pleas, Probate Division
- Guernsey County Docket Search
Cities and Towns serviced with Guernsey County Bail Bonds:
Criminal Division:
The Judge hears felony criminal cases which include any offense where the possible penalty is over one (1) year in prison and a $1,000.00 Fine. Drug cases, arson, burglary, breaking and entering, theft, fraud, robbery and murder are just a few crimes that fall under this category.
These cases are tried before a jury of 12 individuals from Guernsey County or by the Judge, if a jury is waived, unless the case is resolved by a plea of guilty after all the facts have been exchanged. If a person is found guilty, the determination of sentencing is the responsibility of the Judge alone.
Court Administrator/Assignment Commissioner
(740) 432-9352
(740) 432-9289 (fax)
[email protected]
(740) 432-9326
Probation Department
(740) 432-9355
Jury Commissioner
(740) 432-9283
Drug Court: Common Pleas Drug Court Program provides non-violent, chemically-dependent offenders and persons who have a high likelihood of becoming dependent with the necessary tools and life skills to live drug and alcohol free lives.
Adult Probation: The Adult Probation Department supervises offenders who have been convicted of felony offenses by the Guernsey County Common Pleas Court, as well as defendants awaiting trial/sentencing.
Guernsey County Adult Probation Department:Guernsey County Courthouse
801 E. Wheeling Avenue, Suite D-100
Cambridge, Ohio 43725
(740) 432-9255
Captain Tim Oliver
Chief Probation Officer
(740) 432-9273
(740) 432-9312 (fax)
LT. Beth Brown
Deputy Chief Probation Officer
Director of Basic Probation Services
(740) 432-9360
(740) 432-9222 (fax)
E.M.H.A. (Electronic Monitor House Arrest) Program Director/E.M.H.A. Officer/Pretrial Release Officer supervises offenders who have been indicted, are on bond and awaiting sentencing. Offenders are monitored on a weekly basis until their sentencing hearing. Offenders are required to submit to urinalysis screenings, checks of the residence, abide by curfew and the standard conditions of Pre-Trial Release &/or E.M.H.A. Offenders placed on E.M.H.A. are confined to an approved residence and must provide verification of any movement outside of the residence.
Sgt. Kevin Shipe
EMHA Director
EMHA/Pretrial Release Officer
(740) 432-9367
(740) 432-9312 (fax)
ISP (Intensive Supervised Probation)/C.A.R.E. (Court Assisted Recovery & Education Program) Program Director manages the administration of the both programs, which have a shared mission of providing intensive supervision to non-violent offenders while providing services to reduce criminogenic risk, address identified needs and evidenced to change offender behavior.
C.A.R.E. Program provides non-violent, chemically dependent offenders and those who have a high likelihood of becoming chemically dependent with the necessary tools and life skills to engage in a pro-social, alcohol & drug free lifestyle. Participants submit to frequent breath and urinalysis testing, home checks, attend monthly review hearings before the Judge, attend 12 step meetings, complete community service work and receive counseling and cognitive behavioral treatment. The C.A.R.E. Officer acts as a treatment coordinator and attends regular meetings with local service providers as well as teleconferences with community based correction facilities and inpatient treatment facilities where participants are placed. The C.A.R.E. Officer also supervises offenders granted Intervention In Lieu of Conviction by the Court, including those with mental health treatment needs. Such offenders must abide by standard conditions of supervision for a period of 1-3 years as determined by the Judge and are given the opportunity to have their case dismissed without felony conviction if they successfully complete their supervision.
The ISP Program offers a viable sentencing alternative to prison placements focusing on evidence based rehabilitation within the community, for non-violent, higher risk, lower level felony offenders, in accordance with H.B. 86. The ISP program is administered under the Community Corrections Act Grant, which is overseen by the Judge of the Common Pleas Court, with the assistance of the Program Director and Chief Probation Officer.
Offenders are generally placed on ISP for one year and are required to abide by conditions of ISP, including frequent reporting, breath, and urinalysis testing, home checks, curfew, payment of court ordered financial obligations, community service work, residential &/or outpatient treatment, and attendance of 12 step meetings or educational classes if applicable. Offenders may transition to basic supervision upon completion of identified case plan goals & meeting the conditions of ISP.
Offenders placed on Basic supervision must abide by standard conditions of supervision and any additional orders of the court and may be supervised by any of the department’s six probation officers. Offender reporting schedules are generally determined by individual risk level and compliance and are typically less frequent and intensive than the ISP and C.A.R.E. programs.
Andrea May
ISP/C.A.R.E. Program Director
(740) 432-9281
(740) 432-9222 (fax)
Zandrea Wolfe
ISP Officer
(740) 432-9256
(740) 432-9312 (fax)
Probation Department Assignment Commissioner assists in day to day operations within the department, is the Fiscal Officer for the ISP/EMHA Programs and Community Corrections Act Grant and the Restitution/Supervision Fee Clerk. Restitution is collected and disbursed to victims of the offenders’ crimes by way of Court Order and supervision fees are utilized to help defray the cost of supervising offenders.
Tom Phillips
Probation Officer
(740) 432-9208
(740) 432-9222 (fax)
The Director of PSI Services completes presentence investigations ordered by the Court. The court reviews investigations prior to sentencing to aid in appropriately sentencing offenders. The investigation is a detailed report compiled of details of the offense, the offender’s version, the victim’s version, the offender’s juvenile and adult criminal history and traffic record as well as social, educational, military, employment, financial and physical/mental history. Probation Officers also complete pre-sentence investigations as ordered by the Court and assigned by the Director of PSI Services.
Kelly Frymyer
Director of PSI Services
(740) 432-9242
(740) 432-9222 (fax)
Peggy Taylor
Assignment Commissioner
(740) 432-9355
(740) 432-9222 (fax)
Cambridge Municipal CourtJudge John M. Nicholson134 Southgate ParkwayCambridge, Ohio 43725 Phone: (740) 439 5585 |
Towns and Cities in Guernsey County:
- Cambridge
- Claysville
- Cumberland
- Freeport
- Guernsey
- Kimbolton
- Lore City
- Pleasant City
- Quaker City